See detailed information:       Final papers      Verbal communications      Posters


Each conference registrant will receive a Booklet of Abstracts at the on-site registration. Similarly to the previous conference, the full peer-reviewed papers (meeting the criteria of the journal) will be published as conference proceedings in a Supplement to the Czechoslovak Journal of Physics and will be distributed to all conference participants at no extra cost.

The Czechoslovak Journal of Physics is an international journal with current distribution over 400 issues, it is available in most of the major libraries around the world. Among others fields, it covers also most of the nuclear sciences. It is excerpted by all the major abstracting services (ISI - Current Contents and Science Citation Index, Chemical Abstracts Service, INIS, INSPEC). Its impact factor (0.34) is comparable to that of JRNCh.


Full papers (three hard copies plus a disk with an electronic version of the paper in MS Word for Windows 97 or lower or Rich Text Format) will be due at the on-site registration. Information on the required format and additional information may be found in the attached Instructions and Information for the Authors. To facilitate the paper formatting, a MS Word template was created and may be downloaded from the conference Web site. The Proceedings are scheduled to appear by the end of this year.


The lecture rooms in the "Casino" conference centre will be equipped with modern data projectors and also by classic overhead and slide projectors. Any combination of the following aids may be used in your presentation:

The time allocated to a contributed verbal paper will be 15 minutes (10 minutes presentation plus 5 minutes discussion). Already at this moment, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that the chairpersons will be instructed to strictly adhere to the announced time schedule.


The poster presentations will form a constituent part of the specific conference sections. The conditions for publication of full papers based on the poster presentations will be identical with those for the publication of verbal communications.

The authors are kindly required to mount their posters onto the panels before the start of the morning sessions of the appropriate day. All the posters will be on display for the whole day. The author(s) attendance at their presentations is requested during the time specified in the Programme Overview.

The dimensions of the poster panels will be 100 x 150 cm, portrait oriented. The posters should be attached to the panels with pins, since the panel surface will not allow the use of any stickers. The authors are strongly advised to balance the amount of the text displayed with the letter size, colours, and size of figures and tables so as to enable the readers easy orientation in the displayed material even from a distance of at least 150 cm.