The abstracts of proposed presentations are accepted till the start of the conference.

The authors who would like to have their presentations considered for verbal presentation should submit their abstracts not later than by 15 February 2018. The on-line registration/abstract submission system should be used. Please, indicate your preference for verbal or poster presentation and your preferred topic. All abstracts will undergo a review by subject experts, final acceptance of the paper and the session assignment will depend on the Committee's decision that will also determine the type of presentation. The accepted abstracts (received not later than by 13 April 2018) will be published in a Booklet of Abstracts, which will be available at or before the start of the on-site registration. Late Abstracts (posters only) will continue being accepted till the start of the conference.

The format of the abstract is plain text, the maximum length is 3200 characters (including spaces). The language of the abstract must be English.